300+ Black Horse Name Ideas 2024
Choosing the perfect name for a black horse isn’t just a task—it’s an art. Think of it as giving a nickname to a shadow that gallops.
If you’ve ever tried calling out, “Hey, Dark and Mysterious Beauty!” across a field, you know it’s a mouthful. So, we dive into the world of black horse names that are as cool as they are catchy.
We’ve got you covered from the sleek and simple to the outright legendary. Whether your new four-legged friend is more of a ‘Nightfall’ or a ‘Sable,’ this list will help you find that perfect name.
Get ready to find a name that stands out as much as your majestic black horse does.
Inspired Black Horse Names
- Nyx (Greek goddess of the night)
- Hades (Greek god of the underworld)
- Persephone (Queen of the underworld)
- Morpheus (Greek god of dreams)
- Medusa (Mythical creature with snake hair)
- Cerberus (Three-headed dog guarding the underworld)
- Ravenna (Queen from «Snow White and the Huntsman»)
- Valkyrie (Norse mythological figure)
- Sombra (Shadow in Spanish)
- Shadowfax (Gandalf’s horse in Lord of the Rings)
- Merlin (Legendary wizard)
- Darth (From «Darth Vader»)
- Onyx (Black gemstone)
- Grim (From «Grim Reaper»)
- Morgana (Famous sorceress)
- Loki (Trickster god from Norse mythology)
- Dracula (Vampire)
- Pandora (From Greek myth)
- Helios (Greek god of the sun)
- Athena (Greek goddess of wisdom
Nature-Inspired Black Horse Names
- Coal (Black mineral)
- Ebony (Dark wood)
- Midnight (The darkest hour)
- Storm (Powerful force of nature)
- Thunder (A loud sound of storms)
- Raven (Black bird symbolizing mystery)
- Blizzard (Snowstorm)
- Obsidian (Dark volcanic glass)
- Nightshade (A deadly plant)
- Ember (Glowing coal from a fire)
- Twilight (The time between day and night)
- Cinder (Ash from a fire)
- Ash (Remnants after a fire)
- Gale (Strong wind)
- Moonlight (Soft light of the moon)
- Phantom (Ghostly figure)
- Jet (A type of black gemstone)
- Shadow (A dark shape)
- Tempest (Stormy weather)
- Blaze (Bright flame)
Colour-Themed Black Horse Names
- Sable (Black in heraldry)
- Ink (Dark black color)
- Pitch (A viscous black substance)
- Jet (A deep black gemstone)
- Slate (A fine-grained gray to black rock)
- Carbon (An element, often black)
- Vanta (Inspired by Vantablack, the darkest material)
- Graphite (A soft black form of carbon)
- Noir (Black in French)
- Charcoal (A porous black material)
- Ivory (Contrasting colour, perfect for irony)
- Smokey (Dark and misty)
- Dusk (Twilight period)
- Swarthy (Dark-skinned or black)
- Granite (A very hard, granular rock)
- Steel (Resilient, sometimes black in colour)
- Liquorice (Black confectionery)
- Shale (Dark sedimentary rock)
- Tar (Thick black substance)
- Truffle (Dark, rich mushroom)
Mysterious Black Horse Names
- Nero (Black in Italian)
- Silhouette (Dark outline of a figure)
- Mystic (Symbolizing mystery)
- Eclipse (When the moon covers the sun)
- Veil (Symbolizing concealment)
- Velvet (Smooth and rich texture)
- Majesty (Symbolizing royalty
- )Seraph (An angelic figure)
- Whisper (Soft, secretive sound)
- Chimera (A mythical creature)
- Phantom (Ghostly presence)
- Illusion (Something that is not as it seems)
- Mystique (An air of mystery)
- Nighthawk (A bird of prey active at night)
- Dreamer (One who imagines)
- Luna (Moon)
- Astra (Star)
- Aurora (Dawn lights in the sky)
- Drift (Soft, gentle movement)
- Enigma (Mysterious and puzzling)
Powerful Black Horse Names
- Fury (Anger and strength)
- Wrath (Intense anger)
- Rebel (One who opposes)
- Bullet (Fast and powerful)
- Viper (A deadly snake)
- Blitz (A fast, intensive attack)
- Warrior (One who fights in battles)
- Knight (A soldier from the medieval times)
- Bane (A cause of destruction)
- Crusher (One who crushes)
- Juggernaut (A huge, unstoppable force)
- Tornado (Violent rotating wind)
- Titan (A person or thing of enormous strength)
- Goliath (A giant from the Bible)
- Anubis (Egyptian god of the afterlife)
- Inferno (A large fire)
- Ragnar (From Norse mythology)
- Spartan (From the warrior society)
- Zeus (Greek god of thunder)
- Apollo (Greek god of the sun and light)
Famous Black Horses from Pop Culture
- Black Beauty (From the novel «Black Beauty»)
- Blackjack (Percy Jackson’s pegasus)
- Thunder (Zorro’s horse)
- Bucephalus (Alexander the Great’s black horse)
- Diablo (The Lone Ranger’s horse)
- Stormy (From «Misty of Chincoteague»)
- Sleipnir (Odin’s eight-legged black horse in Norse mythology)
- Pegasus (Mythical winged horse)
- Arion (Immortal horse from Greek myth)
- Brego (Aragorn’s horse from «Lord of the Rings»)
- Gunpowder (Ichabod Crane’s horse from «Sleepy Hollow»)
- Topthorn (From the movie «War Horse»)
- Shadowmere (From «The Elder Scrolls» video games)
- Flicka (From the movie «My Friend Flicka»)
- Phantom (From «The Phantom Horse»)
- Hidalgo (A famous mustang from the movie «Hidalgo»)
- Bullseye (Woody’s horse from «Toy Story»)
- Angus (Merida’s horse from «Brave»)
- Spirit (From «Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron»)
- Tornado (Zorro’s black horse)
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