
Mini Horse vs Pony: What’s the Differences?

Something that has always interested me is horses, and when I first heard about mini horses and ponies I was puzzled: are they the same thing?

They may sound similar at first. But, upon further examination I discovered that there are actually a number of differences between mini horses and ponies.

This article goes into the difference between mini horses and ponies, their types, health benefits, treatments & everything else you should know about them.

Many people own Shetland ponies and some have mini horses, so what is the difference?

What is a Mini Horse?

A fully grown mini horse is exactly what it sounds like — a miniature version of an average-sized horse. The reality is that mini horses are absolutely not normal horses.

They are actually miniature horses that are bred to appear full-sized. A mini horse stands about 34 to 38 inches in height next to the size of a large dog.

Mini horses are usually pretty sweet natured. The first time I met a mini horse, I discovered how sweet and loving they can be. Mini horses make wonderful companions and are very calm and often work as therapy animals do (but on a smaller scale)size.

What is a Pony?

Now when it comes to Ponies… A pony is not a baby horse or the size of a horse. Ponies are an entirely different animal when it comes to horses. They are more robust, have a more muscular neck and shorter legs with rounder bodies.

Ponies are traditionally 14.2 hands (58 inches) high or smaller When I stood next to a pony, it was obvious that they are thicker, and more robust than a mini horse. They are breed for work or as people riding ponies, and they were also put to pull carts.

Ponies are intelligent, but sometimes very strong willful. Believe me, I learned this first hand trying to work with an unruly pony!

Differences Between the Mini Horse and Pony

What is the difference between mini horses and a pony.

Mini Horse vs Pony


Mini horses are even smaller than ponies.

A Mini horse averages in height at 34 to 38 inches tall, where a Pony is usually under 14.2 hands or about 58 inches. One of the simplest ways to discriminate this species is by its size.


Take a closer look at a Mini horse, and you will see that their general body shape is similar to an average-sized horse.

Our Ponies have shorter legs, wider chest and a thicker neck. Mini horses look daintier and more delicate celebrated, compared to the muscular ponies.

Behaviour and Temperament

They are both very intelligent, but they may not have the same disposition. On account of being very docile, mini horses are often a top choice for therapy.

Ponies are friendly as well, but can also be more self-sufficient and spirited. While ponies will test their boundaries, minis are bred more to be human pleasure.


People typically use mini horses as pets, therapy animals or to guide people with disabilities. Contrast ponies that have been pack creatures for some years. They are hardy and capable, used for riding, driving carts and even competitive sports; especially show jumping and dressage.

Types of Mini Horses and Ponies

Type of Mini Horses and Ponies Here are the few common breeds and many of their kinds.

Types of Mini Horses

1- American Miniature Horse

The American Miniature Horse is one of the most well-known mini horse breeds. They are bred to resemble miniature full-grown horses. They are generally under 34 inches and lighter than the pony of cob type; they are renowned for their finesse, elegance and style.

2- Falabella

Falabella (one of the smallest horse breeds in the world). The Argentine breed is known for being the smallest in the world, and stands around 30 inches tall. Because of its dainty and small attributes to me these horses are also amazing.

Types of Ponies

1- Shetland Pony

Shetland Pony- Considered to be one of the tiniest pony breeds, Shetland Ponies are incredibly popular. Morkies are rather robust, well-built dogs that sport a furrier hair coat.

Though they are small in size, it is widely used to pull carts and also for transporting children.

2- Welsh Pony

A small step up in size from Shetlands, Welsh Ponies are versatile and beautiful. Again, I have seen these ponies in all sorts of disciplines from riding to driving.

3- Connemara Pony

The Connemara Pony is an Irish breed of pony, known for its athleticism and gentle nature. They grow slightly higher, often averaging 14 hands high and are used in jumping and other sports horse wearing events.

Mini Horses and Ponies Health Benefits (H2)

Owning and taking care of mini horses or ponies has many advantages health wise, not only physical, but also mental. The following are some of the ways these can enhance well-being :

Physical Exercise

When I work with a miniature horse or pony it involves quite a bit of physical exertion. You can remain active by maybe feeding, grooming and taking them for a walk to take care of them properly.

Walking or riding tends to keep our overall body fitness intact and revamps your healthy lifestyle including cardiovascular system, strengthening muscles along with muscular endurance well.

Mental Health

Animals provide stress relief and many of our clients have benefited from spending time with them, in particular, gentle mini horses.

Many people use mini horses and ponies for therapy with people that may have a mental health issue or a % disability because they offer comfort and companionship.

Emotional Connection

Mini Horse Or Pony There is just something so therapeutic about connecting with this little guy or girl. They are affectionate animals, with the ability to bond strongly with their owners. My mood gets better, I realise I am serving a purpose.

Health and Treatment in Miniature Horses and Stud Ponies

Mini horses, like ponies, need to be looked after properly so that they can remain healthy and joyful. So here are a few important things that you might need to know about their health and possible treatments.


Ponies and mini horses do more hay, grass and sometimes grains. However, they are also smaller than the others and hence consume less. I quickly learned that you cannot just pile the food in, as they can easily gain weight or worse be prone to health problems such as laminitis.


While mini horses are little, they still need to have some exercise in order to be healthy. Ponies in particular are lively animals that love to run, play and be put to work. Continuous physical activity prevents obesity and also makes their muscles stronger.

Regular Vet Check-ups

Just like any other pet, mini horses and ponies need to be vaccinated regularly. Dental care, hoof care and vaccinations are all things which should be monitored or administered.

Something I have learned is that going to the Vet as part of normal checkups is important to detect any potential threat to your pets HEALTH early.

Popular Mini Horse vs Pony in Media & Social

Often and well on social networks surf videos as well as photos of mini horses, but also Pony; thus, many have never gained broader popularity. These animals are adorable, and kept as pets by many folks who love to share their experiences with others.

Therapy Mini Horse — Hequin

Miniature horses are frequently used as therapy animals, visiting hospitals or helping individuals with disabilities. I have read lots of delightful stories online about mini horses bringing laughter and peace to others.

Ponies with respect to Equestrian Sports

Ponies are well-liked for work with children and young riders, in competitive events, and for other uses. Horses On social media, I see many posts from people and ponies participating in jumping events showcasing their athleticism.

Mini Horse vs Pony Care & Maintenance

Miniature Horses and Ponies are small but they need care too The care of Mini horses and ponies may seems easy, but its not. Its getting dedicated, informed and focused on doing what ever it takes to make sure you learn all you can about these unique horse breeds needs Here, I will also tell you how you can properly take care of all these animals using the methods grooming, housing and their health in general.

Mini Horse Care


Mini horses and ponies are easy to groom, which is good news because they need to be brushed about every day or so just to stay healthy and not look like wooly mammoths.

I realized that grooming not only makes their fur clean and shiny, but it also helps to avoid skin related issues, an itching skin is difficult to tolerate and I believe that this has the ability enhance your bonding with your animal.

  • Brushing: Mini horses & ponies need to be brushed regularly to keep dirt, dust, and loose hair out. Mini horses have finer coats, so I also use soft brushes. I ON THE OTHER HAND use a harder brush to get through their coat, and there is a lot more of it because of its thickness.
  • Hoof Care: Protecting Their Hooves Though, I do make sure to clean out the hooves everyday because they all come down with thrush if I don’t. Little horse miniings usually have weak hooves, but in spite of the fact that their hooves are generally stronger than those of horses there is still a need for regular forage visits.

Housing and shelter

The right housing is as important for mini horses and ponies as it is for following suit with larger animals. They instead need dry shelter to keep them out of the elements.

  • Stalls: I have discovered that the stalls are made to fit mini horses. This little saddle horse and not need a much space as real 1 but stall should be large enough to walk quite way. Ponies, instead, require a larger stall or shelter so they can have room to lay down and stand up without issue.
  • Pasture: Mini horses and ponies love to be out in the pasture. The pasture has to be well fenced, as mini horses can occasionally try to escape in between small gaps. Thus, ponies being strong, need sturdy fencing to keep themselves safe and secure.

Health monitoring

Although ponies and mini horses are generally hardy animals, they also have common health issues.

  • Laminitis: Some of the health problems I have encountered include laminitis. This health issue affects the hooves; I maintain their diet and ensure they exercise as they like to make sure they do not get overweight.
  • Dental Problems: Mini horses and ponies may develop dental problems such as overgrown teeth that make it difficult for the horse to chew. My key to preventing these problems is a regular schedule of professional dental check ups.

Training Miniature Horses and Ponies

Mini Horse or Pony Training can be a very rewarding option but it is not for the feint of heart and requires good old fashioned patience! Not to say that both these animals aren’t quite intelligent, the way we train them can vary due to their different temperaments.

Training Mini Horses

There is not nearly as much training that needs to go into a mini horse, they are typically more calm natured, easily trained and very cooperative.

With my mini horse, I found that positive reinforcement — treats and praise — was what worked the best. Mini horses are very trainable to simple commands like « walk, » « halt, » and « stay. » Due to their size, mini horses can be taught tricks and even pull small carts as well as do therapy work.

The mini horses actually seem to take well to handling. They dislike rough treatment so I always make the training sessions quite positive and enjoyable.

Training Ponies

Ponies are resilient, but also a bit headstrong. Because they are so intelligent, that intelligence can manifest as stubbornness. Consistency is also key when training a pony. Ponies must know their place in the totem pole, but they also want respect.

Ponies are typically ridden by children in Equitation classes. They are also skilled for long driving hours carrying carts or carriages. I have also witnessed ponies tearing up the show jumping arena – whatever damage you could bring in, they can do it better and with more protection.

Mini Horses and Ponies Uses

Depending on its size, temperament and training all mini horses and ponies are trained for a number of uses. Rat: Now you can consider the other roles that these animals play.

Mini Horses as Therapy Animals

Therapy horses, especially mini horses are used more and more for people with both physical and emotional disabilities. A Tiny but Sweet Friend because of their small size and lovely nature. I have seen mini horses that go to hospitals, schools and even nursing homes to bring comfort as a therapy service. In fact, they can be taught to act as guide animals for blind folks, similar to guide dogs.

Mini horses also do good work with those suffering from anxiety, autism, and PTSD. I see it is a tranquil calming action, when I watch mini horses interact with people. Their gentle, discrete nature can quell anxiety and offer companionship on the emotional front.


Ponies are mainly used in equestrian support, particularly for children. I’ve seen kids compete in pony shows, in jumping competitions and even against adults on their dressage horses. The truth is ponies are powerful and fit to compete at the top levels in these races.

Ponies are also widely employed in sports and recreational uses, such as for western riding, English riding and show jumping. Gelled saddles are 2 to 3 pounds lighter than most synthetic western or Chilean models and weight around 23lb – they are well-suited to little boys and girls, as well as small working adults for general riding lessons or recreational trail use.

Ponies as Work Animals

Ponies were historically used as working animals, particularly in coal mines or on farms. Although this is rare in the present day, some ponies are used for cart pulling or small farm work. The trademark of these tasks is the strength and stamina they have.

Breeding and Lifespan

While not always common, it is good to know that mini horse life expectancy and ponies. The livestock life of Loretta if you are considering owning a mini-horse or pony.

Breeding Mini Horses (H3)

Despite the size of the horse, we continue to breed mini horses in an effort to get new ones like them and have us too. AINEC is a very popular breed among American Miniature horse breeders, and these ponies are selected carefully by the breeders to make certain each pony does not reach more than 34 inches up to 38 inches in height.

With adequate care, mini horses live quite the long life; 25-35 years of healthiness is common for them. It is true that having a mini horse is a lifelong thing.

For example, mini horses often live even longer than some full-sized horses which means a mini horse can be your partner for years and years.

Breeding Ponies

Ponies are also selectively bred just like horses, but purposefully chosen for different characteristics. Their breeding centers around height, stamina and size.

Pony: The pony is an individual horse that belongs to a certain combination of breeds and has its own particular characteristics. And while Shetland ponies are bred for their stoutness and thick coats; Welsh ponies are bred more for their beauty, versatility in competitions.

Ponies and mini horses make great reaching age animals. Ponies usually live 25-30 years, though some might live much longer. The care and attention to which a pony must be attended brings to mind the realities of ownership.

A Mini Horse Or A Pony

They also can be bought as a Mini Horse and when you search for them online◦If You Choose Between A Mini Horse And A Pony Here is Some Tips Based on My Experience :-

Space and Size

Miniature horses are smaller, which means not only do they require less space, but their size also makes the work of farrier and dentist slightly simpler. Ponies on the other hand are a bit bigger and need some room to run, play, and for exercise. If you are on big pasture or a lot of open space, a pony may be better.


Miniature Horses are great if you want a support or companion animal. They are smaller which allows them to be easily portable and non-threatening in their demeanor So, if you want to work or play with your animal a pony is more likely the right choice.


Minis and ponies do have nice personalities too, but they are not alike. Mini horses are usually quite a bit more laid back and will be very eager to learn, and please where as ponies can have a bit of an independent streak and may even at times exhibit stubborness.

If you want an animal to train and work with, then mini horse is probably the way to go. If you like a challenge and more of a character, then perhaps you could consider one of our ponies.

Final Thoughts

So you see, in short they are truly amazing breeds of animals. Little horses, be they mini or pony, will become a loyal intelligent loving friend to you. And that variety is a good thing because one size has never fit all — from the gentle and sweet mini horse, to the hardy and gritty pony.

Just keep in mind how much space you have, what you want the animal for (for meat or to keep your grass low), and how much time and effort you are willing to put into training it and caring for it. Whether they are a valuable member of your group getting work done together or assisting along with emotional support, mini horses can convey you more joy and other pros to life.

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